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May 23rd, 2021

The gannaca family


Who is actually behind gannaca? Since our founding in 2002, we have successfully supported hundreds of projects in numerous sectors with companies of all sizes and have been able to win many new partners for our gannaca family. Each of them with a great passion for the development and transformation of business models with a strong focus on the latest technologies – always in line with the humanistic values we represent and the desire to go the extra mile. Together, we adapt – constantly. And remain true to our goals in the process, because the valuable lifetime of all involved is the measure of all things for us.


Anne-Kathrin Ahrens

Mo Gaff

Rudolf Hilti

Ludmilla Intravia

Martin Jasper

Dr. Daniel Knapp

Johannes Kraus

Yanti Krebs

Alexey Lysenkov

Dr. Alexander Pagnia

Felix Park

Christopher Patrick Peterka

Christina Schlich

Dr. Christian Schlicht

Carlotta-Luisa Simonis

Magnus Thure-Nilsson

Dr. Benjamin Zeitler


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May 14th, 2021

Future. School. Digital. Finals!


With a big smile we look back on an eventful week. We realize: slowly but surely the world is waking up again from the long lockdown hibernation. We now meet people every day who are excited about every possible interaction and can hardly wait to bring their new insights, their fresh motivation and their now self-evident (digitization 😉) skills into the world. First and foremost, the students who took part in this year’s Fischer Group Digitization Award despite ongoing high school graduation exams. While online execution was still a stopgap solution last year and presented everyone with a major challenge, this year, in the midst of online exams and Abitur examinations, it was as natural as the many impressive virtual background images and presentation designs created by the four participating schools from Baden-Württemberg. The first prize went to the Gymnasium from Freudenstadt, just ahead of the defending champion from Nagold. The winners for us, however, are above all the many female participants who dared to take part this year – this was not the case last year. We look forward to sharing insights into the presentations of the four schools here over the next four weeks. It pays to keep at it: Future. School. Digital.


© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG


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May 14th, 2021

Le Boudir X gannaca


Fashion & Technology in times of crisis? As we have seen, since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis: virtuality has flourished in fashion and luxury, fashion weeks platforms have become digitalized around the world, presentations have become digitalized, storytelling is immersive. This is far from a trivial observation. So, as Christopher Peterka observes, if “the appropriate use of technology in the fashion industry increases its importance as a voice, in our societal discussion about what we want as a future”, what does this voice tell us? In the “Le Boudoir Numérique X gannaca series” Episode 1, our CIO Christopher discusses this with Mila Chan and Chibi Mila, the virtual journalists of the Digital Boudoir. “Le Boudoir Numérique X gannaca” is a new series of interviews on the future of fashion tech in collaboration with our dear friend and advisory board member Ludmilla Intravia, journalist and editor-in-chief of Le Boudoir Numérique, a digital magazine deciphering the impact of technology, innovation and digital on fashion and beauty. Discover the video of the first episode here.


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May 14th, 2021

Fischer Highlights


Does today’s curriculum date back to the Stone Age? Are teachers mercilessly overworked? “Germany must not remain a country of emergency when it comes to education.” – The second episode of the new podcast series “fischer Highlights” is just one of the projects in which our CIO Christopher Peterka, together with the fischer group of companies, addresses the challenges facing the school system in dealing with digitalization. This also includes the digitalization prize launched by company owner Prof. Klaus Fischer, “Zukunft. School. Digital.”, which was held for the second time in 2021 and is entering the exciting online finals this week. The goal: To catch up as soon as possible with the nations that are role models in terms of advancing digitization: Israel, Uruguay and Finland. The educational activities of fischer in cooperation with gannaca are a big step in this direction and without question serve as a model for the whole of Germany. The podcast episode can be heard on the company’s website and in all audio platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Deezer, Amazon or Youtube as well as here.


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May 6th, 2021

RP Symposium 2021


Last week we told you about the production of the 2021 symposium “Highlights of modern medicine – live healthy – stay healthy” of the Forum Future Medicine. The goal of the event: current, medical knowledge explained in a way that everyone can understand. The media production, which was carried out at Rudas Studios Düsseldorf, is intended to help allay patients’ fears by providing them with better information about innovative treatment methods. Panel discussions were held on various aspects, such as immunotherapy in oncology or the use of artificial intelligence in cardiology, which were moderated by our CIO Christopher Peterka. As if the direct exchange with affected patients in times of the pandemic were not hurdle enough – the preparation and execution of such a production is an art in itself. All the more beautiful when the result (from June 11 on is right and also gives us at gannaca the feeling for a small moment that we have arrived back in the pre/post C19 everyday life. We would like to thank the Rheinische Post and Pia Kemper for this.


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May 2nd, 2021

Your Choice


Your free self-test is waiting: How ready are you for system change? Change is happening faster today than ever before. We’re in danger of being collectively suffocated by the overwhelming demands of new technologies and the excessive diversity of information – and with us, what we once called society. Those who are driving change have two things in mind: profit and power. They abuse us as click cattle and data suppliers, reducing us to an existence as human resources and consumers. In doing so, they are endangering our democracy, diversity and even humanity as such. It does not have to go on like this. Instead of focusing our efforts only on economic efficiency, we need to ask: Who do we want to be? How do we want to live together? What sense should our striving have? Take the exclusive self-test from the book “Your Choice” here.


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April 13th, 2021

gannaca partner


The Conference, Malmö/Sweden


At gannaca, we have actively lived attending conferences around the planet for over 20 years. We are particularly enthusiastic about those that enable and drive meeting and collaborating with the brightest, most creative and open minds. Above all, we count “The Conference” among these. The Conference attracted international attention by becoming one of the most thought-provoking and best-designed conferences on digitalization, society and business in Europe. Over two days, 25 speakers and 1500 participants gather in Malmö, Sweden, to ground the complexity in the digital world through human behaviors, new technologies and opportunities. 2020 marked the 10th year anniversary of The Conference. “During ten years of exploring the world of digital we can conclude: Everything has changed. And suprisingly little. The next big things take time. URGENCY DOES NOT EQUAL SPEED.”


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March 17th, 2021

gannaca partner


Werkbank32, Mittweida


Since the turn of the year, we are now an official partner of Werkbank32 in Mittweida. As a first step into active collaboration, the gannaca team set off to Mittweida this week to finally get to know this special ecosystem on site and to shoot first teaser films together. The Werkbank32 is the innovation forge of Teleskopeffekt and the breeding ground for innovative ideas in and around Mittweida. Teleskopeffekt GmbH was founded by Volksbank Mittweida eG and has been acting regionally, nationally and internationally as an innovation driver for banks, medium-sized businesses and start-ups since 2009. As a driver of digitalization, Teleskopeffekt offers direct access to future technologies and contributes to turning applied technologies into new business models. This is achieved through curiosity for new things, consistency in action and passion for results. An important part of this concept is the place “Werkbank32”. The coworking area brings together freelancers, flexible workers, creative geniuses, digital nomads, students, and interested people. It is precisely this agile exchange that sets the course for an efficient and effective network in Mittweida that will make a difference together.


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December 31st, 2020

2020 Farewell


2020 is as good as checked off. In a few hours, this wonderfully symmetrical year will be history. Many can’t wait, having found this year a big slap in the face. We at gannaca are thankful for 2020, because this year has indeed ensured more symmetry: Whereas we had previously apostrophized from stages and videos that we would all sooner or later end up in a much messier, more uncomfortable and more exhausting world, because we mostly worked past the actual challenges with the prevailing systems and structures, this mostly remained very abstract for many. Today, many know what we meant because they feel it – triggered by the pandemic: VUCA – a state of constant volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity has become everyday life.

CHANGE and INNOVATION will remain our guardrails at gannaca in 2021 on a highway to the future that now has so many lanes that we can put horsepower on the road, from one-on-one coaching for executives to strategy consulting to technology development for publicly traded companies. The decisive part in this traction, besides tons of experience, extensive network, deep knowledge and still great curiosity, are our great customers, our agile partners, our inspiring Advisory Board and of course our hard-working and motivated employees. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your constant commitment! Here’s to a healthy and meaningful 2021 in every respect!


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December 21st, 2020

Forum Zukunftsmedizin


Rheinische Post Forum


Im Forum Zukunftsmedizin der Rheinischen Post trafen sich am 27. November Experten aus den Bereichen Medizin, Pharmakologie, Theologie, Versicherung und Wirtschaft, um begleitet durch unseren CIO Christopher Peterka über KI in unserem Alltag und speziell in der Medizin zu diskutieren. Zentraler Schlüssel für KI-basierte Fortschritte in allen Bereichen des Lebens sind valide, strukturierte Daten. Gerade in der Medizin sind enorme Fortschritte vorstellbar – doch fehlt es oft an Datenmaterial für die Entwicklungsprozesse. Gerade die pharmazeutische Forschung erhält zurzeit keinen Zugriff auf Daten der „forschenden Versorgung“. Die Experten waren sich einig, dass eine intensivere Aufklärung der Bevölkerung notwendig sei, damit vermehrt Daten, auch anonymisiert, zugunsten einer besseren medizinischen Versorgung bereitgestellt würden. Das Video zur Veranstaltung finden Sie hier.


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