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May 14th, 2021

Fischer Highlights


Does today’s curriculum date back to the Stone Age? Are teachers mercilessly overworked? “Germany must not remain a country of emergency when it comes to education.” – The second episode of the new podcast series “fischer Highlights” is just one of the projects in which our CIO Christopher Peterka, together with the fischer group of companies, addresses the challenges facing the school system in dealing with digitalization. This also includes the digitalization prize launched by company owner Prof. Klaus Fischer, “Zukunft. School. Digital.”, which was held for the second time in 2021 and is entering the exciting online finals this week. The goal: To catch up as soon as possible with the nations that are role models in terms of advancing digitization: Israel, Uruguay and Finland. The educational activities of fischer in cooperation with gannaca are a big step in this direction and without question serve as a model for the whole of Germany. The podcast episode can be heard on the company’s website and in all audio platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Deezer, Amazon or Youtube as well as here.


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May 6th, 2021

RP Symposium 2021


Last week we told you about the production of the 2021 symposium “Highlights of modern medicine – live healthy – stay healthy” of the Forum Future Medicine. The goal of the event: current, medical knowledge explained in a way that everyone can understand. The media production, which was carried out at Rudas Studios Düsseldorf, is intended to help allay patients’ fears by providing them with better information about innovative treatment methods. Panel discussions were held on various aspects, such as immunotherapy in oncology or the use of artificial intelligence in cardiology, which were moderated by our CIO Christopher Peterka. As if the direct exchange with affected patients in times of the pandemic were not hurdle enough – the preparation and execution of such a production is an art in itself. All the more beautiful when the result (from June 11 on is right and also gives us at gannaca the feeling for a small moment that we have arrived back in the pre/post C19 everyday life. We would like to thank the Rheinische Post and Pia Kemper for this.


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May 2nd, 2021

Your Choice


Your free self-test is waiting: How ready are you for system change? Change is happening faster today than ever before. We’re in danger of being collectively suffocated by the overwhelming demands of new technologies and the excessive diversity of information – and with us, what we once called society. Those who are driving change have two things in mind: profit and power. They abuse us as click cattle and data suppliers, reducing us to an existence as human resources and consumers. In doing so, they are endangering our democracy, diversity and even humanity as such. It does not have to go on like this. Instead of focusing our efforts only on economic efficiency, we need to ask: Who do we want to be? How do we want to live together? What sense should our striving have? Take the exclusive self-test from the book “Your Choice” here.


© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG



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June 29th, 2020

The Future of Service Design


Six impulses for an alternative future


Service Design choreographs processes, technologies and interactions in complex systems to co-create value for relevant actors. The Köln International School of Design was the first university worldwide to put service design on the agenda of design education. Today KISD is the centre of an international service design network. Our CIO Christopher Peterka was part of the “Future of Service Design” conference at KISD in March this year with his talk “Dumb fucks – six impulses for an alternative future”.


© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG


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June 27th, 2020

eco Akademie Webinar


Sensors, platforms and data management


The preliminary webinar “Sensors, Platforms and Data Management” for the Proptech Expert Roundtable on August 5, 2020 at QSC in Cologne was a complete success. Together with Dirk Löhle, our CIO Christopher Peterka gave a first insight and outlook and discussed current developments in the industry with the numerous participants. We would like to thank moderator Ekkehart Gerlach for his great moderation and look forward to the continuation soon to come!


© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG


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June 21st, 2020

XU University




What do you think the digital future will look like? These and many more questions will be answered in the joint lectures with our new cooperation partner, XU University in Potsdam. XU is “fast and furious”. You can already get a first impression in the video linked below. We are looking forward to working with you!


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May 27th, 2020



Corona calls for system change


Events with 100 people in the middle of a lockdown do not work? With determination, creativity and the willingness to adapt on the part of everyone involved, the “XING Puls Digitalization Cologne Online” event took place on May 26 on the topic of “Corona calls for a system change”. Topics such as decentralization, recycling management and digital policy were on the agenda in plenary sessions and in small groups, and were discussed with commitment by the very diverse group of participants.


© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG


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October 1st, 2019

Your Choice by Christopher Patrick Peterka


The rapidly advancing digitization and the resulting drastic change in our lives has consequences. Most of us are overwhelmed by the situation and our society seems to be suffocating. For those who drive change, power and profit are at the forefront, and we humans are misused solely as a resource for data and reduced to a consumer existence.
Do you want this to continue? Or do you want to resist the current system and change something?
On October 22nd the book “Your Choice” by Christopher Patrick Peterka will be published. It is an invitation to participate in the system change and as progressive optimists to change our system sustainably. The book is published as a bilingual reversible book in German and English.
Pre-order under:




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September 16th, 2019

Social Citizenship?TEDx Königsallee


What if you had the choice of becoming citizens of a community that pursues your interests and goals?
“Social Citizenship” – Utopia or Real Possibility in the Digital Modern era? This is the theme of Christopher Patrick Peterka at TEDxKoenigsallee on 13.10.19 in Düsseldorf.
Secure your ticket now:


© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG


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April 18th, 2018

The Crossroad Between Gutenberg and Zuckerberg

gannaca goes TedxTehran

Let’s talk about the paradigm shift from the Gutenberg Galaxy to the Digital Modern Era.
What will the future hold for us? What do you think? Let us know 😉

Watch the whole speech of Christopher Patrick Peterka at TEDxTehran here.


#gannaca #thinktank #entrepreneur #speaker #tedx #future


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