February 1st, 2021
The coronavirus pandemic changed how we live and work. More time at home prompted people to set up home offices, school desks and outdoor gathering spaces. Average monthly spending per person on home office furnishings rose 43% in May 2020. Many are hoping that the massive Covid-19 vaccination campaign will lead to millions of people returning to workplaces in 2021 after spending most of the pandemic working from home. But let us tell you: it isn’t going to be soon. The office world that will be reinhabited this year will look a lot different from the one that we knew before the first lockdown in March 2020. During an initial transition period, office density likely will be low, workers will wear masks and a range of other safety precautions will be followed. Long-term changes in the workplace will continue for years. Working from home and other remote locations, which became a necessity during the pandemic, will likely remain a major part of the workplace. And you know what? We love that. At gannaca, we were almost waiting for that „New Work“ wave. Because there is so much potential in working from home. And simplicity. And style.
© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG
December 31st, 2020
2020 is as good as checked off. In a few hours, this wonderfully symmetrical year will be history. Many can’t wait, having found this year a big slap in the face. We at gannaca are thankful for 2020, because this year has indeed ensured more symmetry: Whereas we had previously apostrophized from stages and videos that we would all sooner or later end up in a much messier, more uncomfortable and more exhausting world, because we mostly worked past the actual challenges with the prevailing systems and structures, this mostly remained very abstract for many. Today, many know what we meant because they feel it – triggered by the pandemic: VUCA – a state of constant volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity has become everyday life.
CHANGE and INNOVATION will remain our guardrails at gannaca in 2021 on a highway to the future that now has so many lanes that we can put horsepower on the road, from one-on-one coaching for executives to strategy consulting to technology development for publicly traded companies. The decisive part in this traction, besides tons of experience, extensive network, deep knowledge and still great curiosity, are our great customers, our agile partners, our inspiring Advisory Board and of course our hard-working and motivated employees. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your constant commitment! Here’s to a healthy and meaningful 2021 in every respect!
© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG
December 21st, 2020
Im Forum Zukunftsmedizin der Rheinischen Post trafen sich am 27. November Experten aus den Bereichen Medizin, Pharmakologie, Theologie, Versicherung und Wirtschaft, um begleitet durch unseren CIO Christopher Peterka über KI in unserem Alltag und speziell in der Medizin zu diskutieren. Zentraler Schlüssel für KI-basierte Fortschritte in allen Bereichen des Lebens sind valide, strukturierte Daten. Gerade in der Medizin sind enorme Fortschritte vorstellbar – doch fehlt es oft an Datenmaterial für die Entwicklungsprozesse. Gerade die pharmazeutische Forschung erhält zurzeit keinen Zugriff auf Daten der „forschenden Versorgung“. Die Experten waren sich einig, dass eine intensivere Aufklärung der Bevölkerung notwendig sei, damit vermehrt Daten, auch anonymisiert, zugunsten einer besseren medizinischen Versorgung bereitgestellt würden. Das Video zur Veranstaltung finden Sie hier.
© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG
December 4th, 2020
© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG
September 29th, 2020
Building bigger thinking – in practice. At the beginning of September, our team around Christopher Peterka, Pia Kemper, Daniel Knapp and Carlotta Simonis set off for Kempten to hold the first joint transformation workshop in the (impressive) own walls of WR Wohnraum AG. Two days of highly productive work helped to raise awareness of the importance of digital strategies and to jointly develop future-oriented solutions in order to lay the foundation for progress in the comparatively rather slow developing housing industry. We were particularly impressed by the motivation of the participants, which was palpable throughout: “Day in, day out, we are working on an indispensable commodity – LIVING. Here lies our motivation for innovation”.
© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG
August 28th, 2020
THEHUS.institute 2.0: Together with our strategic NextGen cluster “THEHUS.institute” from Liechtenstein we could open our first, official branch in Reutte in Austria in August. Together with Rudi Hilti and Ulrich Kerber, our CIO Christopher Peterka spent a few days on site in Tyrol to write the future of the HUS.
© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG
August 26th, 2020
Gemeinsam mit unserem strategischen Partner in Gesundheitsfragen “fischimwasser” aus Köln durften wir für die IKK classic einen extrem produktiven Workshop rund um Themen von KI-Botsystemen ästhetisch ausrichten und inhaltlich begleiten.
© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG
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July 26th, 2020
Again and again one hears that data is the new oil. Or, almost like a mantra: A business must be data-driven to be sustainable. But what is the concrete, economic value of data for your business? We will calculate for you specifically for your own case what benefits you will gain from using data. You can then go straight into operational implementation and fully exploit the potential of data. Daniel Knapp, Partner in charge of Data Strategy, together with the C19 Task Force, will show you how you can generate more revenue at lower costs with digital models in your company. If not now, then when? Book a non-binding consultation now.
© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG
July 21st, 2020
Digitisation and sustainability? Our CIO Christopher Patrick Peterka talked about this during a cloud talk at myclimate. Together they discussed to what extent the rapid technological developments will be an aid or obstacle on the way to a sustainable “net-zero society”. What changes are we talking about here? Who initiates and who controls them? Will these developments and innovations help to save our climate? Click here for the cloud talk.
© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG
July 17th, 2020
“We all have something our neighbors could use – and we all need something our neighbors already have.” – That sounds very much like the guiding principle of Organic Garden AG from Ingolstadt. They combine their expertise and experience from energy production, IT, industry, finance and project management in a convincing, digitalised cycle concept that integrates both Smart Farming and Industry 4.0: entirely in the spirit of resource-saving food production, valuable soil improvement and renewable energy supply. Yesterday, on 16.07.2020, our CIO Christopher Patrick Peterka had the honour of asking Organic Garden AG about these future-relevant – to all of us a little bit (!) – topics for the Münchener Merkur in a video interview during the “Forum Flash” in the lounge of Holger Stromberg in Munich. An exciting interview, which was extraordinary even for our experienced CIO, was followed by a lively discussion and, of course, a tasting.
We would like to thank…
the Münchener Merkur
Pia Kemper (Forum Flash)
the Organic Garden AG
© gannaca GmbH & Co. KG